We know how quickly thank-you package due dates can sneak up! This timeline will help guide you through planning each part of your thank-you package and ensure a wonderful donor experience. Your thank-you package will require an impact letter, photos, and student thank-yous. If you’re having trouble completing your thank-you package, you can extend your due date.
When your project is fully funded – send out photo permission slips.
- Getting permission slips signed early means you know ahead of time which students can be photographed, and you can plan what pictures to take.
- Regardless of how many projects are funded for your class each school year, only one permission slip per student, per school year, needs to be collected.
- Don’t start submit your thank-you package before you’ve received your materials!
When materials arrive – share the arrival with your students!
- As soon as your materials arrive, you can start your thank-you package.
- Your students’ first reactions to the materials can be a great opportunity for you to take some of your project photos! Displaying photos of the actual items that were purchased for your project provides credibility and builds trust among donors, so they know their funds were used for the intended purpose.
- Your materials’ arrival is also your opportunity to make sure everything’s correct and in working order. If you need help with your materials, check out some of our other help center articles.
Before your due date – complete your thank-you package.
- Take photos of your students engaging with the materials and upload them through your account. If you can’t take photos of your students, here are some tips!
- Write an impact letter for your donors. We’ve got some advice for what makes a stellar impact letter! The impact letter is your opportunity to give donors specific examples of the ways your students have actually used the new resources.
- Create some handwritten or drawn student thank-yous and send them to us with your project’s pre-paid label.
If you’re having trouble tracking down your project materials, you can find order updates and shipping information through your Order Status page, by logging in to your teacher account.