Looking for information about a specific Teacher Friends and Family code? Here are guides to current codes on our site:
What’s a Teacher Friends & Family Code?
To help out with your fundraising, generous supporters sometimes offer funding to match contributions from donors who enter a code at checkout. When one of your projects qualifies for a Teacher Friends & Family Code, you can share that code far and wide when spreading the word about your project.
How it works:
- If one of your projects qualifies for a Teacher Friends & Family Code, we’ll let you know as soon as your project is submitted for approval. You share the code with friends, family, and other supporters.
Donors who enter that code during Friends and family Pre-funding or during the first week your project is posted publicly will see their donations double. - You share the code with friends, family, and other supporters.
- Donors who enter that code during the first week your project is posted will see their donations double.
Important details:
- To receive the match, donors must enter the promo code on the payment screen during checkout and click “Apply.” (They’ll see a confirmation message to let them know the match went through.)
- The code is valid for one week from the time that your project is approved.
- Each promo code can only be used for a single project, unless instructions for that code say otherwise.
- Each new DonorsChoose.org teacher is eligible to benefit from up to one Teacher Friends & Family Code.
- Student-led projects are not eligible for Teacher Friends & Family codes.
- Donations made using a credit card or PayPal can be used with a Teacher Friends & Family Code. Gift card redemptions, donations made with account credits, and checks cannot be matched.
- DonorsChoose.org may remove matching donations where donors have used promo codes through multiple accounts. Matching donations may also be removed if a donor has obtained matches against our policies.
- Each Teacher Friends & Family Code has a limit for the value of donations that it will match. Be sure to read the instructions for that code carefully!
How can I help my donors remember to use the promo code?
Let your donors know they must click "Apply a gift or promo code," enter the promo code, and click “Apply” on the payment screen during checkout. We also have some step-by-step instructions for donors in our guide to using a promo code. If a donor forgets a promo code when donating, the donor can contact us to let us know--we’re happy to help if we can!
How big of a donation will my Teacher Friends & Family Code match?
Many codes have different restrictions on dollars per donor that can be matched--be sure to check out any limits by carefully reading the email you receive with your code or by finding our Help Center article for your code. (Looking for our guide to LIFTOFF?)
How can I spread the word about my promo code?
Feel free to use the templates below!
Please consider helping my students! Visit my page at DonorsChoose.org, make a tax-deductible donation of any size, and use the promo code [ENTER CODE] to double your donation (up to $50). The code expires in 7 days! www.donorschoose.org/yourprojectpage
Subject: My students need your help!
Hi friends,
This school year, I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed. So I’ve created a classroom project request on a 501(c)3 charity website called DonorsChoose.org.
I’m writing to ask for any donations possible for my students--no matter the size, it will help my kids. This week only, any donation you make to my project will be doubled! If you know anyone who is passionate about education, please pass this along. Your tax-deductible donation will have a direct impact on at least 30 students (and many more in the future), and you’ll hear back from our class about your impact on our learning!
To learn more or donate:
- Visit my project, www.donorschoose.org/yourprojectpage
- During check-out, enter the word [ENTER CODE] where it says "Apply a gift or promo code" and your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $50.
This [ENTER CODE] promo code will only double donations for the next 7 days.
Please feel free to send me any questions you may have. My students and I greatly appreciate your support.