When DonorsChoose.org gift cards go unredeemed, or account credits go unspent, we use these contributions to support urgent classroom projects in need. This ensures all donations support classrooms as soon as possible.
If you have gift cards that have gone unredeemed, they may be eligible for a one-time replacement. Here's how to locate your inactive gift cards:
1. Log into your account.
2. Click on the tab "Private Info"
3. On the right side of the screen, you should see a gray box with blue text "Inactive gift codes." Click that blue text.
4. On the next page, click on "You have no active gift codes. Show/hide inactive codes."
If there are any codes that pop up, and they don't have a 'status' of "redeemed" you can use our contact form when logged into your account and select: I’m A Teacher > My teacher account > I have an expired code. You can then enter your gift codes and the system will automatically provide a replacement gift code if they are eligible to be replaced.