Before any project is posted and publicly searchable on DonorsChoose, trained teacher volunteers screen the project. These teacher volunteers verify that the teacher and the project meet our eligibility requirements; if a project needs any edits before being approved, teachers will be notified via email with requested changes, and they can resubmit for new screening after adjusting their project.
Why was my project essay drafted?
Projects can be drafted to ensure they meet all of our eligibility requirements. Specifically, your project essay may have been drafted with request for edits if your essay:
- Didn’t list all of your requested materials clearly and specifically
- Didn’t describe the student benefit to all of your materials
- Included significant spelling and grammar mistakes
- Mentioned identifying information about your students or school
If your essay was drafted and you’re not sure why, make sure to cross check your materials list with your essay description to confirm all items are mentioned, especially if the item cost is $150 or more, or the item doesn’t have an explicit connection to your project’s goal. Double check you have removed any personal or identifying information about yourself or your students, and make sure what your students are gaining from this project is clearly explained and connected to your resources.