Honoree donations make great gifts, and are also a nice way to simply let someone know you're thinking about them.
Click the link ‘dedicate this donation’ when reviewing your giving cart. This link will be right underneath the project title in your cart.
Each honoree will hear back from the classroom with a thank you letter from the teacher.
In memoriam donations
In memoriam donations are donations made to celebrate the memory of someone who has passed. To make an in memoriam donation:
1. Select a project and an amount to give.
2. Click "in memory" donation underneath the project title in your checkout review screen.
3. You'll be prompted to enter the name of the person you would like to donate in memoriam of. In addition, you can choose a friend or family member you’d like notified about the gift, called an "honoree" (they’ll also receive a thank-you note from the classroom).
Looking for other ways to support teachers and classrooms? Check out the different ways you can give on our site!