Shopping for materials from Amazon Business is temporarily different than other vendors. You can shop for Amazon Business items in our normal portal, but some items may not appear. To search their full catalog, you can navigate to the Amazon Business vendor site through your project's "WHAT" page, and transfer your Amazon items to your DonorsChoose project.
Here are some tips to help you find the best materials for your classroom:
- Only items fulfilled by Amazon Business can be added to DonorsChoose projects. Look for the “Prime Eligible” logo on the left side of the search results page to help you when shopping. Items selected from third party sellers will still appear while you shop but will not transfer to your DonorsChoose project during checkout.
- Only new items can be added to DonorsChoose projects. While used or refurbished items will still appear on Amazon Business, they will not transfer to your DonorsChoose project. These will be removed upon attempting to transfer.
- Apple devices (iPads, MacBooks, iMacs, iPhones) are not eligible to be requested on Amazon. All Apple devices are available through Best Buy Education.
- Amazon Business is not optimized for shopping on a mobile device, like a phone or a tablet. If you’re asked for your personal shipping or billing information while trying to place an order, log out and try submitting your order from a desktop or laptop computer.
- Digital content including eBooks are not available for purchase from the Amazon Business catalog. You can find a large selection of eBooks and digital courseware from AKJ Books in our vendor directory.
- When changing the quantity of an item already added to a draft project, remove the item from your project and then return to Amazon Business to add the correct quantity before checking out again.
- Amazon Business can't process orders with more than 99 line items and 1000 total items. Since identifying this issue, we’re working with teachers as they submit projects to split up large orders.
Be creative! You can use Amazon Business’ vast catalog to get a variety of items for your classroom. You’ll have the opportunity to share how you plan to use your selected materials when writing your project essay.