Donations to DonorsChoose usually do qualify for employee matching programs, but corporate policies vary. Find yours, or check with your employer directly. If needed, our Federal tax ID # is 13-4129457.
After making a donation, you may need to verify for your employer that we did receive a donation from you. Donors can forward their employer’s matching gift request forms or instructions to us using email:
This email is for submitting forms only. If you have a question, use the contact form
To make payments, employers should mail the matching gift to the address below for processing:
Mail Code: 6656
P.O. Box 7247
Philadelphia, PA 19170- 6656
Most employers issue checks on a monthly or quarterly basis, so it may take several weeks or months for the payment to reach us. Once we do receive the funds, we will issue them to the donor/employee in the form of a gift card sent via email, so each donor gets to choose exactly where the company match will go as well.
Looking for other ways to support teachers and classrooms? Check out the different ways you can give on our site!