Thank you so much for your interest in donating materials or services through DonorsChoose.
DonorsChoose is not set up to handle in-kind donations of materials or services, but many great organizations do exactly that. Take a look at these orgs to see if one of them might be better suited for your needs:
Kids In Need (new or returned merchandise)
National Association for the Exchange of Industrial Resources
Instruments in the Cloud (musical instruments)
New York City
Materials for the Arts
Chicago Public Schools
SF Bay Area
East Bay Children's Book Project
Resource Area for Teachers (also located in Sacramento and Colorado)
Other options
You can donate proceeds from items that you sell on eBay through eBay's Giving Works. All contributions will be directed to the Community Fund, which we use to support urgent classroom projects in need.
You can also support classroom projects when making purchases on Amazon. Sign up for AmazonSmile, select DonorsChoose as your beneficiary, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases. All contributions will be directed to the Community Fund, which we use to support urgent classroom projects in need.
Your generosity rocks. Thanks!
Looking for other ways to support teachers and classrooms through us? Check out the different ways you can give on our site!